The question is should Hinduism be totally destroyed as idolatry, partially tolerated with the aim of eventually subverting the religion, or accepted as it is. According to the writings below, Judaism allows a softer and more supple form of demanded monotheism. Jews are to follow strict monotheism, but it is questionable whether this applies to non-Jews. Judaism is not a universal religion, there is one law for Jews and one law for non-Jews and the stipulations between these two laws differ. This is quite different than Islam which is a universal religion. Islam has one definition of what is idolatry for both Muslims and non-Muslims. In a Muslim state, open idolatry is not permitted (only private idolatry is allowed). India could become a Muslim state, or it could become a Noahide state. In a Muslim state there would be one definition of idolatry for all, in a Noahide state Hindus might be able to practice their religion a little easier. However, I don't think any Rabbi anywhere is not planning to slowly mutate Hinduism into full Noahidism, but this would be done in a much softer way than how Islam brings people over... there does not need to be immediate conversion... there can be intermediate steps.
Under the Noahide laws, it is possible to assume that Hinduism and Buddhism are sufficiently monotheistic in principle for moral Hindus and Buddhist to enter the gentile’s gate into heaven. 諾亞律可視佛教為一神教只要它滿足倫理原則,以作為外邦進入天堂的大門。
Elijah Interfaith, Sharing Wisdom Fostering Peace #MakeFriends
Sharing Wisdom: Wisdom of Rabbi Adin Steinsalz
Peace without Conciliation: The Irrelevance of "Toleration" in Judaism
From: Common Knowledge
Volume 11, Issue 1, Winter 2005
pp. 41-47 |
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:
The Irrelevance of "Toleration" in Judaism
By the standards of Jewish law as applied to Jews, Hinduism (and Buddhism) do not count as monotheistic traditions. 按照給猶太人的猶太律法,佛教不算一神教。However, the essential point of the Noahide laws is that the standards of Jewish law do not apply to non-Jews. 但是諾亞律的精華在於猶太法不適用外邦。Radically pure monotheism is expected by Judaism only from Jews. 嚴格一神僅限於猶太。The Noahide laws do not preclude gentile religions from developing softer, more complex, and compromised forms of monotheism. 諾亞律不排除外教發展更加溫和微妙妥協的一神觀。Under the Noahide laws, it is possible to assume that Hinduism and Buddhism are sufficiently monotheistic in principle for moral Hindus and Buddhist to enter the gentile’s gate into heaven. Jewish law regards the compromises made or tolerated by the world’s major religions as ways of rendering essentially monotheistic theologies easier in practice for large populations of adherents. The fierceness of Islamic opposition to such compromises has no counterpart in Judaism. In Islam, it is seriously blasphemous for anyone of whatever faith to combine belief in the one God with popular ideas about other heavenly powers or with subtle theological doctrines such as the Trinity. Islam cannot tolerate such compromises because the truth that they violate is applicable universally and not simply to Muslins. The problem is that Islam is radically monotheistic (like Judaism) yet is also (unlike Judaism, which is the religion of one people) universalistic as well.
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